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Configure AWS S3 Upload Service

⌛️ In just 3 minutes, you can configure the AWS S3 upload service. Before starting, please ensure you have registered an AWS account and created a Bucket.

Security Notice

Before configuring the AWS S3 upload service, please note the following security recommendations:

Parameter Configuration

Amazon S3 is an object storage service provided by AWS. Our upload service requires the following parameters:

BucketBucket nameYes
EndpointEndpoint, usually
For more info see AWS S3 Endpoint
SecretKeySecret keyYes
AccessKeyAccess keyYes
UploadPathUpload path, required if you configured arnNo
CDN DomainCDN domain, e.g. if you use cloudfront, image links will be automatically generatedNo

Get Bucket Information

Here you can get the Bucket, Region, and Endpoint information.

The Endpoint is usually s3.[region], for example You can refer to AWS S3 Endpoint

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If you haven’t configured CDN Domain, the final image URL will look like

If you have configured CDN Domain, the final image URL will look like

Get AccessKey and SecretKey

We recommend creating a dedicated IAM user for the upload service and configuring minimum permissions.

Create Policy

ExportX’s upload service only needs PutObject permission. Creating a policy can restrict uploads to specific buckets and directories. We recommend providing minimum permissions.

Click Create Policy

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "s3:PutObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::figma-upload/upload-path/*"

Explanation: The above configuration restricts file uploads to the upload-path directory in figma-upload. You can adjust as needed.

Go to the IAM service in the cloud console and click create.

Create User

When creating a user, you need to attach the policy you just created.

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Generate AccessKey

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Select third-party service

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Configure Upload Service

At this point, you have obtained the AccessKey and SecretKey and can configure the upload service.


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